
    Workshops & Private Sessions

    • Results vary. Testimonials are accounts of personal experiences. There is no guarantee, that identical or similar results can be reproduced.

    • Adding testimonials is still an ongoing process that I just started recently.

    Testimonials for Private Sessions

    "A very empowering experience"

    Lily from Las Vegas, United States

    " I enjoyed every minute of the session and the recording is also as powerful as the live session. Thank you!"

    Nurdan from Girne, Northern Cyprus

    "Thank you so very much for the amazing SourceSync and SoulSync session yesterday. It was a powerful session and I felt so much joy and bliss. I am feeling in the flow and so very grateful! I did listen to the recording and I could feel the energy and I felt that ecstatic joyfulness again and I felt so connected to the Divine. My Heart is full!

    Sandy from Boulder, United States

    Feed-back part 1, three days after the session:

    "I was feeling so much better right away, that I was completely astonished that such a profound change would even be possible immediately. I had been so weak and unable to work for six weeks, and it all completely changed during the session. I feel so much better, and I think that I may need a few more days for the full integration. I am listening to the recording daily and enjoy the energy boost I receive every time. The way you accompanied me through the session was so calming and it built me up again.
    It was miraculous! Thank you very much!"


    Feed-back part 2, ten days after the session:
    "I can clearly feel how my physical strength has continued to improve every day. I have greatly benefitted from listening to the recording of the session daily. I now have reached a state of stable well-being, and my body has gained so much strength that it is able to function properly again, and I have been able to return to work.
    Thank you so much for your support!"

    Gertrud from Berlin, Germany

    I am happy to share some of the results of the four sessions that you facilitated for myself, my husband and our children. I had asked for these sessions last spring, because I was feeling overwhelmed and drained. All four of us were struggling with various challenges. The family business was not doing so well, the children had growing up related troubles and our hectic life had stirred up a lot of things.


    When I requested you for help, I did not give you any specifics, I just wanted you to tune in and energetically support each one of us. Your findings were exactly spot on.


    My daughter (12) was struggling with maintaining her personal boundaries that had resulted in a huge conflict with another girl in her class. After your session she stepped into her true personality, gained self-confidence and began to stand up for herself.  


    My son (10) had been unable to sleep alone for several years. He suffered from strong interferences in his dream world that were leaving him afraid of being alone in his room and prevented him for getting enough sleep. Your session changed that instantly. The very same day he went to bed in is room and slept peacefully through the whole night. We are so grateful that this painful cycle of nightmares has finally been broken.   


    My husband had carried many burdens on his shoulders, he had been under a lot of pressure for an extended period and that had interfered with his health and happiness. He shared with me, that immediately after your session he started to feel a sudden profound relief and the sensation of lightness returned.


    For me, the main topic was the clearing of underlying causes that drove me to constantly overextend myself and being taken advantage of by others. As a result of your session, I have become a lot more self-aware of my own needs and found a new level of self-confidence. My previous vulnerability for being influenced by others has been transcended into a new feeling of being grounded and strong.


    I want to thank you again very much for all you have done for my family.

    Silvia from Zurich, Switzerland

    "After 'bathing' in this powerful energy I walked around with a smile on my face for two whole weeks." 

    Torsten from Berlin, Germany

    "After losing a court case, I found myself in a dark place with my emotions. The case was supposed to be just a formality, yet I lost. The question that paralyzed me was: Why? I cried, was shaken and worst of all, I lost faith in my own guidance. I decided to reach Alex for help and scheduled the SourceSync & SoulSync session. The three-day session started with setting up a very specific intention. During the preparatory distant healing the evening before the live session I felt an energy shift in me that was making me laugh and feel good. During the main session the next day we both discovered that what I went through was necessary for cleansing my past life, blood and ancestry connections. We cleared all of it. During the SoulSync the sensations in my body were changing from fire in my solar plexus, popping my ears, pulsing heartbeat, heat and cold. The SpiritTeamSync was amazing as my guides showed up including spirits I didn't expect or work with before. They reassured me that I’m safe and the Divine has my back. The InfinitySync was the nicest as the love and light flowed over me. I felt loved and at peace knowing that I did what was needed for me to truly move forward in life. My guidance was spot on and I'm glad I followed it. My trust was restored as well as my internal peace.

    Few weeks after the session I feel more empowered than ever in my life. The fear, I didn't even know I had, is gone and I'm ready to step into my next expansion in my life. The SourceSync & SoulSync session with Alex Brandin was a deep spiritual cleansing allowing me to move forward in life and step into my personal power."

    Angela from Los Angeles

    "I enjoyed the session greatly. It resulted in a profound shift immediately. I also have continued to listen to the recording of the session each week and I feel a new level of expansion each time."

    Annie from Miami, United States